Monday, 21 December 2009

Happy Winter Solstice...

As a sort of Christian Gnostic/Unitarian Universalist type, I guess I am a bit of a pagan at heart. This morning while trying to find something I liked that I could send out with "Season's Greetings" (with little success) I came across this simply stunning and extraordinary video. It seemed just right for today and so I am hoping to share it.

There are so many of you out there for whom I have no means of contact. This is my Christmas present to you to thank you all for your warm wishes and continuing support. I never dreamed when I wrote Pilgrimage to Heresy/Peregrinos de la Herejía that I would be sharing my words with readers from Korea to Canada, from Australia to Alaska, from Belgium to Bahrain. It is truly humbling.

Today is the shortest day in the northern hemisphere and the longest down south. It is a day when the sun takes on a significance which perhaps we do not consider at other times of the year. The winter solstice isn't just for druids (though Happy Alban Arthan to any druids out there...hey, you never know: there's an unlikely one in my book). Today I noticed that "Winter Solstice" was placed within the top 10 of Google searches. This is the day when we in the north consider the Birth of the Light and of course, for Christians, this means the birth of the Christ child. Here in Spain, on the evening of the Feast of John the Baptist - which is the night of the 23rd June: the summer solstice - an old tradition is to light bonfires on mountaintops, another way that the Christian and pagan messages have become intertwined and of course, for those of you have read it, Pilgrimage to Heresy hopes to show a very early foundation for such thinking.

I do hope you enjoy the video and that you feel that you would like to leave a message for the person who posted it on YouTube. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen on-line.

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